Undersea ageing method




A S'Àmfora, we have carried out years of testing in order to find the method and thus obtain a totally different and novel result in terms of wine aging.

The aging of wine submarine directly in ceramic amphora gives the wine a faster evolution without oxidation than in bottle, polishing any astringent note and promoting freshness in the mouth and nose thanks to the marine qualities it acquires during underwater rest.


Every product that succeeds is the result of hard work, a S'Àmfora we have worked hard to get where we are. Creating a methodology that interacts between biodynamics and the desired result has not been easy:

The perfect cooking formula to ensure that a handcrafted ceramic amphora contains 750 cl and is able to store the wine in perfect condition for years without harming it. Research and testing of the appropriate raw materials to obtain the desired result as well as the design to recall the History of Ancient Rome.

The choice of sites for underwater breeding and methods for S'Àmfora managed to be a unique and exclusive product.

Reflection, planning, perseverance and passion are some of the ingredients to achieve this final product.


The passion for wine of Ancient Rome has been the motivation we have valued most to shape the project. Trying to bring a fragment of History trying to reproduce how the Romans transported, consumed and respected this “elixir” in the Empire, has been one of the goals. For them, cultivating vineyards was an honest and worldly thing, the resulting wine embodied both the place where they came from and what they had become. The Romans conceived of drinking wine as an innate gift which was not forbidden even to slaves.



A S'Àmfora, we have carried out years of testing in order to find the method and thus obtain a totally different and novel result in terms of wine aging.

The aging of wine submarine directly in ceramic amphora gives the wine a faster evolution without oxidation than in bottle, polishing any astringent note and promoting freshness in the mouth and nose thanks to the marine qualities it acquires during underwater rest.


Cada producte que aconsegueix assolir l'èxit és el resultat d'un dur treball, a S'Àmfora hem treballat molt per arribar on som. Crear una metodologia que interactuï entre la biodinàmica i el resultat desitjat no ha estat fàcil:

La fórmula de cocció perfecta per aconseguir que una àmfora ceràmica artesana contingui 750 cl i que sigui capaç d'emmagatzemar durant anys el vi en perfectes condicions sense perjudicar-lo. Investigació i proves de les matèries primeres adequades per obtenir el resultat desitjat així com el disseny per rememorar la Història de l'Antiga Roma.

L'elecció dels llocs per a la criança submarina i mètodes perquè S'Àmfora aconseguís ser un producte únic i exclusiu.

Reflexió, planificació, perseverància i passió, són alguns dels ingredients per aconseguir aquest producte final.


La passió pel vi de l'Antiga Roma ha estat la motivació que hem valorat més per donar forma al projecte. Intentar portar un fragment d'Història intentant reproduir com els Romans transportaven, consumien i respectaven aquest "elixir" a l'Imperi, ha estat un dels objectius. Per a ells, conrear vinyes era una cosa honrada i mundanal, el vi resultant encarnava tant el lloc d'on venien com allò en el que s'havien convertit. Els Romans concebien el beure vi como un do innat el qual no es prohibia ni tan sols als esclaus.

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