Technical data sheets wines

Technical data sheets of our wines

Coneixi la informació que li oferim sobre els nostres vins amb les fitxes tècniques i les notes de tast. Cada fitxa tècnica aporta informació bàsica sobre cada vi.

Technical data sheets of our wines

Find out the information we offer you about our wines with the technical data sheets and tasting notes. Each data sheet provides basic information of each wine.

Our data sheets


it is amphorae of olim




Once upon a time


project is amphorae


Coming soon, new release of S'Àmfora of OLIM mine i S'Àmfora of TROSSET

For more than two years than ours S'Àmfora of OLIM Mina and TROSSET are obtaining the magic of the waters from the aquifers of the Priorat and the Mediterranean Sea. Our winemaker Diego Duran will be the one to "wake them up" at their optimum point in order to finally be able to discover new sensations within this wonderful wine.

Are you curious ... do not hesitate to ask us for more information about this project by Celler Trosset de Porrera and S'Àmfora_wines under the sea.

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Coming soon new release of S'Àmfora of OLIM mine i S'Àmfora of TROSSET

For more than two years than ours S'Àmfora d'OLIM Mina and TROSSET are obtaining the magic of the waters from the aquifers of the Priorat and the Mediterranean Sea. Our winemaker Diego Duran will be the one to "wake them up" at their optimum point in order to finally be able to discover new sensations within this wonderful wine.

Are you curious ... do not hesitate to ask us for more information about this project by Celler Trosset de Porrera and S'Àmfora_undersea wine.

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